Taxi fares are regulated by the local authority and are the same for all taxi companies. Below is a chart that summarizes the fares, which can also be found on the PTB website.
Flag – $3.50
Per KM. – $2.03
Waiting Time (Hourly)- $36.29
You can easily estimate how much your fare should cost by multiplying the kilometer rate by the number of kilometers and adding $3.50 for the meter drop. However, keep in mind that this will only be an estimate and waiting times need to be adjusted into the fare price. *Note:
All rates are regulated by the Passenger Transportation Board when using any taxi company. All taxi fares include Canadian “Goods & Services Tax” (GST).
Passengers who spoil or damage the interior of a vehicle with bodily fluids or solids required to pay a clean-up fee of $80 in addition to meter rate.