Taxi Saver Program

Condition Specific SupportDisability ServicesSeniors Services, and Transportation
If you’re eligible for HandyCard, you may also be able to take part in the TransLink TaxiSaver Program. This program allows you to buy TaxiSaver coupons by mail or through the Compass Customer Service office to save 50 per cent on the cost of taxi fares. For information on the TransLink TaxiSaver Program:
Call: 604-953-3680
Provided by BC Transit

TaxiSaver is a supplementary service to HandyDART available to people with permanent disabilities that already have a HandyCard.
Intended for emergencies or periodic use. The Taxi Saver vouchers are available to permanently registered handyDART riders only. Program provides a 50% subsidy towards the cost of taxi rides. You will need to have a handyPASS to use this program. Open and print this Taxi Saver guide (PDF).

How to Purchase Taxi Saver Coupons:
You need a handyPASS to buy and use Taxi Saver coupons. Eligible individuals can purchase an $80 package of Taxi Saver coupons at a cost of $40. This package can be purchased once every month. The coupons come in denominations of $1, $2 and $5.

By Mail:
Send your order with your handyPASS number, a return address and a cheque in the amount of $40 (for one sheet) made payable to ‘BC Transit’.
BC Transit
Taxi Saver Program
520 Gorge Road East
PO Box 9861
Victoria, BC V8W 9T5

How to Use Taxi Saver Coupons:
To book a taxi saver trip, call your local area taxi company directly. Be sure to confirm that the taxi company accepts Taxi Saver vouchers. When you call to book your taxi, tell the dispatcher if you need a wheelchair-accessible vehicle.

The handyDART client uses the coupons to pay the dollar meter rate of taxi fare. For example, if a taxi fare is $5.80, the passenger pays $5.00 in coupons and 80 cents in change. (Taxi drivers do not give change on Taxi Saver coupons.)

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